The beauty of #digital marketing are results forecast before the campaign; and measurable and trackable results after the campaign as well as optimization over time to enhance the business results. DIGICOM adopts performance based approach of digital marketing. Objectives are translated into quantitative Key performance Indicators, say nos of views, web traffic, sales and revenue. […]
Tag Archives: Tech
5 reasons why single page website are bad for SEO
One page design layout is recent trend of website design. However it may not be good to #SEO because less focus on one single keyword theme (unless your entire website only focus on one keyword theme). Other non-SEO friendly elements include slower page load time. On top of web page design layout, many issues on […]
Introducing Google Marketing Platform
“Through the DIGICOM platform, we were able to generate north of HK$600,000 in revenue and 1600+ sales at a ROAS of 10+ during one single quarter; through programmatic advertising and creative targeting Strategy” This is the compliment from our client on programmatic advertising, Hong Kong Rugby Union. Email to us to get a case study! […]
Lookalike modelling: the ad industry technique demystified | Media Network | The Guardian
“Through the DIGICOM platform, we were able to generate north of HK$600,000 in revenue and 1600+ sales at a ROAS of 10+ during one single quarter; through programmatic advertising and creative targeting Strategy” This is the compliment from our client on programmatic advertising, Hong Kong Rugby Union. Email to us to get a case study! […]
Google Search Engine Share
Google in most countries account for a majority of market share in search volume. The very few countries that Google is not a major player are China (Baidu), S. Korea (Naver), and Russia (Yandex). This explained why in our previous blogs, we spent much focus on Google #SEO and its algorithms. Email to us for […]
Website Relocation Checklist for SEO (Search Engine optimization)
Website migration doesn’t mean relocation of your web content to a new website address, it also involves transferring the accumulated #SEO scores and organic web rankings from the old website to the new website at page-to-page level. If you are planning a website revamp project, it is recommended that the #website development process is led […]
The growing location based marketing opportunity – and how to capture it | ITProPortal
“Through the DIGICOM platform, we were able to generate north of HK$600,000 in revenue and 1600+ sales at a ROAS of 10+ during one single quarter; through programmatic advertising and creative targeting Strategy” This is the compliment from our client on programmatic advertising, Hong Kong Rugby Union. Email to us to get a case study! […]
Why building websites in WordPress is a bad idea? | GBKSOFT Blog
On top of Content Management System (CMS) system (no matter open sourced like Work Press or custom built, there are many issues on website design , IA, website architecture, web copy content, programming during #website development that will affect the organic searchability of your website upon launch. If you are planning a website revamp project, […]
Black Hat SEO & Shadow Domains To Avoid
Shadow Domains is one of the black hat methodologies as mentioned in my previous blog. With black hat #SEO tactics, client was running the risk of being penalized by Search Engines or all web rankings gone when they changed the SEO service suppliers – in exchange of the short term benefits of seeing web rankings […]
How to write meta descriptions for SEO (with good and bad examples) | Search Engine Watch
Meta Descriptions are no longer an important factor on organic web rankings, but only have more impact on CTR%. Many web developer who claimed that their website include #SEO for FREE might only mean they fill out the meta keywords or other meta tags. Moreover mostly the keywords filled up in the meta tags may […]