The beauty of #digital marketing are results forecast before the campaign; and measurable and trackable results after the campaign as well as optimization over time to enhance the business results. DIGICOM adopts performance based approach of digital marketing. Objectives are translated into quantitative Key performance Indicators, say nos of views, web traffic, sales and revenue. All campaign implementations details are driven towards achieving the quantitative goals.A holistic digital marketing strategy and tactful implementation is your answer to increase sales revenue. The prevailing trend among traditional and digital marketers are to understand the operation / execution sides and nuts and bolts of the digital marketing for realistic planning strategy, better communication with vendors or inhouse execution of marketing campaigns for faster market response and better safeguard of your audience big data.
DIGICOM Academy is pleased to announce as the educational partner of Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) based in Dublin. Enroll in Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing course; and earn the globally recognized, industry validated and academically credit rated certificate to advance your career. Studying with DIGICOM Academy, you got extra 5 hours on step-by-step guides of dashboard training on ad platform and technical tools taught by Digital Marketing Pioneers.
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Click to enroll in on-demand online courseWe could create a huge list with all the KPIs that exist for each field of digital marketing, but it would be a very long task. In order to simplify and go deeper into each one of them, we can divide these into three categories as follows:
In digital marketing, everything can be measured. It’s important to define an appropriate strategy for each occasion, and it’s equally important to figure out the way to measure its repercussions. The key is in using the KPIs that are most adequate for each action, because if we choose an adequate strategy but we make mistakes in the way we measure it, we won’t be able to quantify the value of our actions.
The acronym stands for Key Performance Indicator, which is simply a measurement element that offers quantitative information that is real and interesting about some aspect of our work. We won’t use the same performance indicators in a Facebook ad campaign, say, to analyze the results of capturing leads or the status of an online store.
Let’s take a look at an example: Imagine that your company invests a certain amount of money in an online marketing action in order to increase sales, for instance, of an online store, and once it gets started, they realize something is not working quite right, but they don’t really know what it is. How to reverse this situation? Where is the flaw? What can be optimized? Here is where we introduce the concept of KPI.
The ability to measure our actions on a detailed level is one of the greatest advantages of online marketing when compared to traditional marketing. We cannot analyze data effectively if we have made mistakes in the previous step, measuring our actions. A good measurement is key to predict the consumers’ behavior as we check if our actions are having the desired effect.