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August 2018 – DIGICOM – Digital Marketing Course Provider

Why Flash is not good for SEO?

The fact that a fully flash built website or a web page with a large portion of flash is harmful to SEO has been known for some years. Apart from flash, many issues on website design layout, IA, website architecture, web copy content, programming during #website development will affect the organic searchability of your website […]

What Is Performance Marketing

The beauty of #digital marketing are results forecast before the campaign; and measurable and trackable results after the campaign as well as optimization over time to enhance the business results. DIGICOM adopts performance based approach of digital marketing. Objectives are translated into quantitative Key performance Indicators, say nos of views, web traffic, sales and revenue. […]

3 Step SEO Methodology and 22 Essentials of SEO Basics

#SEO is to boost your organic web rankings in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).  4 Step SEO Methodologies covers: (1) Research & Planning, (2) Onsite Optimization; (3) Offsite Optimization & (4) Ongoing reporting and monitoring.  In view of the CPC inflation of SEM and display advertising, For industries like medical groups, pharmaceuticals, etc., online […]