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Top 5 Ways Responsive Web Design Benefits Your SEO – DIGICOM – Digital Marketing Course Provider

“Mobile First” is one of the major Google aglorithm change recently. Make sure your website is responsive and mobile optimized.

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Search Marketing is only one of the media touchpoint in the consumer journey, more targeting to the advocacy stage in the buying cycle. To maximize the results of , a omnichannel media strategy is recommended. The prevailing trend among traditional and digital marketers are to understand the operation / execution sides and nuts and bolts of the digital marketing for realistic planning strategy, better communication with vendors or inhouse execution of marketing campaigns for faster market response and better safeguard the audience big data.

DIGICOM Academy is pleased to announce as the educational partner of Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) based in Dublin. Enroll in Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing course; and earn the globally recognized, industry validated and academically credit rated certificate to advance your career. Studying with DIGICOM Academy, you got extra 6 hours on step-by-step guides of dashboard training on ad platform and technical tools taught by Digital Marketing Pioneers.

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In spite of the premonitions from the industry as well as published statistics, many still have not responded well to a basic and obvious demand – responsive web design.


Neither of these observations would have taken web designers and marketers by surprise. And yet, the slow response of both business and the online industry to the new state of the web is a little baffling.


As published in late 2016, we also saw that, of those people who only use one type of device, twice as many are using smartphones over desktop computers.


The web has moved forward at an incredible rate over the past year. Among the many changes, the inevitable happened. Mobile web browsing overtook desktop as the device of first choice for internet users.


In this environment, responsive design is no longer an innovation. Instead, it has become a standard component of any SEO plan, regardless of industry.



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