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Digital Marketing no more a standalone discipline – DIGICOM – Digital Marketing Course Provider

Stepping into 2019, this is a global trend of media usage habit shifting from offline to online channel together with the emergence of connected TV. The boundary between and traditional marketing will become more blur. And we shall see digital marketing function will not be a separate discipline from the overall marketing functions. Marketers’ role are to ensure the seamless integration between online marketing and offline marketing.

  1. More Targeted Ads With Specific Purpose People already have minimal attention spans and get served with so many ads on a daily basis. I think ads will become more singularly purposed in nature, with a very specific goal and goal conversion place in mind, whether it be a mobile or desktop experience. I also think that the mobile ad platforms will show major growth in 2018, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. – David Kley, Web Design and Company

2. Collapse Of The Influencer Market Brands pour millions of dollars into influencers now, but by and large they’re either not measuring or not seeing the results they could get from alternative marketing spends. The market will collapse as brands zero in on a few select individuals who drive results or move to organic grassroots promotion, and away from high-cost, middle-tier influencers who drive awareness but little ROI. – Craig Greiwe, Rogers & Cowan

As our mobile devices become more powerful and social apps better integrate with AR, brands will use AR to better engage with consumers. For example, using your location, brands could trigger sponsored AR content, which can only be accessed at that spot, at that time. Pokémon Go was the pioneer with this idea, and I feel Instagram and Facebook will soon be integrating this tech into its platforms. – Chris Carter, Rep Interactive

The move into 2018 also comes with a shift in digital marketing. New trends are entering the marketplace and your company needs to pay attention or you may be forced by the wayside. With the need to become more visible and reach more customers, the digital marketing of tomorrow offers advancements in emerging technologies as consumers demand a more integrated experience.

Forbes CommunityVoice™ allows professional fee-based membership groups (“communities”) to connect directly with the Forbes audience by enabling them to create content – and participate in the conversation – on the Forbes digital publishing platform. Each topic-based CommunityVoice™ is produced and managed by the group.

Curated from How Digital Marketing Will Change In 2018: 15 Top Trends

DIGICOM Academy is pleased to announce as the educational partner of Dublin based Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) for Hong Kong and China region. Enroll in Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing certification course is globally recognized, industry validated and credit rated in the European Academic framework. Extra 5 hours of dashboard training on top of the 30 hours training are exclusivelly provided by DIGICOM Academy.

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