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5 reasons why single page website are bad for SEO – DIGICOM – Digital Marketing Course Provider

One page design layout is recent trend of website design. However it may not be good to because less focus on one single keyword theme (unless your entire website only focus on one keyword theme). Other non-SEO friendly elements include slower page load time. On top of web page design layout, many issues on website design , IA, website architecture, web copy content, programming during will affect the organic searchability of your website upon launch. If you are planning a website revamp project, it is recommended that the website development process is led and driven by an SEO expertised project manager.

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A beautiful website alone will not earn you much website traffic or sales revenue. A holistic strategy and tactful implementation is your answer to increase sales revenue. The prevailing trend among traditional and digital marketers are to understand the operation / execution sides and nuts and bolts of the digital marketing for realistic planning strategy, better communication with vendors or inhouse execution of marketing campaigns for faster market response and better safeguard of your audience big data.

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1) Only one keyword phrase: Today it’s commonly believed by SEO types that you can only successfully optimise any given website page for one keyword phrase. So having a single page site, means you can only target a single keyword phrase. Which is a bit pants right?


Yes I’ll admit they look super cool and funky. They’re also work really well for responsive design, which obviously is a plus if a fair proportion of your traffic comes via mobile devices:


There are some gorgeous SPW out there that use lovely transitions to separate the various sections. A more fancy pants term for the effect is the parallax scrolling effect. Essentially it’s achieved by moving different background images with different speed and creates a wonderful feeling of fluidity and movement.


If you’re not sure what I mean Single Page Websites (SPWs) are basically long, scrolling websites where all the content is contained on a single page. The navigation links at the top essentially work as anchor links, jumping you down to the relevant section rather than taking you to a new page.


Oct 2015 update: Since writing this more work has been done on ways of making Single Page websites SEO friendly. Here’s a good resource to help you understand how to make your single page websites more SEO friendly Search Engine Land



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